
Jiangsu Tianteng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
  Chlorinated polyethylene(CPE)
  Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
  Moulded coal/Formed coke

Address: Touzao Industrial Garden, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province, China
Postal Code: 224247
Handset: +86-15195188998
Tel: +86-515-85481049
Fax: +86-515-85481124
E-mail: sales@chinatianteng.com
Url: www.chinatianteng.com

Enterprise culture is the enterprise values, the overall goals, moral rules fan, etiquette and physical entity model of the integrated embodiment. Enterprise culture and enterprise synchronization and grandness, enterprises of different cultures can produce different brand, the fate of different enterprises.

Tianteng company is by hard work, solidarity, self-improvement, don't wait, rely on and entrepreneurial spirit, a rolling on the accumulation the path of development.

Mencius yue:"is poor, cut-up. Company development, enterprise culture has been identity, The development of smoke and become Tianteng driving force and lasting vitality, For the "casting high culture, creating high grade life" made good explanation.



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